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Asiatic Garlic

Asiatic Garlic Group
Early Season| Med Storing | 5-10 cloves

The Oriential: enjoys the warm, humid climate of the north

Asiatic garlic is harvested early, normally just after the turban group.  It is a semi-hardneck garlic growing best in warmer climates with mild winters. This garlic group produces several cloves per bulb and has a white colour with a purple striped bulb wrapper. It grows best in a mild winter climate​.

As a semi-bolting hardneck garlic type it generally sends up a flower scape with a relatively solid stem which is not braidable. This garlic might not produce scapes when grown in warmer climates if not vernalised. The garlic's taste ranges in heat from mild to hot, and is considered very complex and flavoursome.


Clove & Bulb Appearance
The bulb is normally
flattened globe shape, it generally has a purple striped wrapper (skin) and contains between 5-10 cloves. The bulbs have a single layer of cloves.

Generally all cloves of a standard sized bulb are suitable for planting
. The clove skin can be pale or very vibrant and can be tight and hard to peel. 
The cloves are wedge-shaped with short clove tips.  They have a moderate storage duration of around 6-7 months after harvest.

his hardneck garlic generally sends out a scape (flower stalk) particularly in colder climates. They typically produce only a few bulbils (4-10) which are extra large and dark purple coloured. They are also known to sometimes have large bulbils embedded in their stems  known as nest sets.

Asiatic Garlic

Leaves & Scapes
Asiatics have wide leaves which are tall and grow upright. The leaf colour is medium green. Scapes tend to droop and not coil, while the umbel has a narrow, pale yellow-green appearance. The spathe typically has an elongated dimple on lower part.

Asiatic Garlic
Asiatic Garlic
Turban garlic
05 asiatic2.jpg
creole garlic
silverskin garlic
artichoke garlic
standard purple stripe garlic
marbled purple stripe garlic
glazed purple stripe garlic
porcelain garlic
rocambole garlic
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